Progress Report 2004 - 2006
Wednesday, 13 February 2008

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Published in : Progress Reports, Progress Reports

PPID Progress Report 2004-2006 – Sinhala.pdf

PPID Progress Report 2004-2006 – Tamil.pdf

PPID Progress Report 2004-2006 – English.pdf


Activities during 2004 – 2006 

PPID has made a modest beginning in the past three years of existence in terms of quantity of work undertaken, the monetary values of such work, and number of personnel. In financial terms, PPID is a modest private institution. However, in terms of output, PPID has been successful in producing considerable knowledge products during the short period of existence. Besides, PPID knowledge products are of high quality as demonstrated by publications in leading regional and international peer-reviewed journals and publishers. Although, at professional level, there is only one full time staff, there are few more on standby basis. Besides, there are field-staff in four out of eight districts in the conflict region on a regular basis (part-time), and on standby basis in two districts.

Last update : 27-02-2008 00:45

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