English Language Knowledge Centre
Saturday, 13 August 2005

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Published in : Community Services, Community Services

Aruchuna Memorial English Language Knowledge Centre (ELLC)

An English language learning centre has been set up in the Thambasetty village, Point Pedro, in order to teach English language to local girls on a non-fee levying basis. This was set up in memory of late Mr.Chelvathamby Aruchuna, a public servant who returned to his native village after retirement and taught English language to local children free-of-charge.

Volunteer English language teachers from the UK would be conducting these classes. The first batch of classes was conducted during the month of August 2005. Ms.Lydia Kate Pepler, a final year undergraduate student at the Centre for Development Studies, University of Wales, Swansea, was the first volunteer teacher. Fifty five students signed up for the classes and forty four of them attended regularly. Although similar classes were planned during the school holiday period, i.e. during the months of April, August, and December, it could not be continued because of the resumption of the conflict in December 2005. It would be resumed once the security situation permits.


Last update : 10-10-2008 02:06

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