Working Paper 4
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 28 December 2004

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Published in : Working Papers, Working Papers

The Tsunami that struck several Asia countries in December 2004 has left untold misery among the coastal population of Sri Lanka. Compounding this misery wrought by nature the coastal population of Sri Lanka are faced with pillage by fellow humans who have purportedly come to their rescue, resettlement, and rehabilitation. This study documents specific types and cases of such pillage of impoverished communities in the North & East Province of Sri Lanka. The overall argument of this paper is that the nature of corruption in relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction aid disbursements in the North&East is different from that of the South and West, and therefore extra precautions and innovative modalities have to be devised in order to minimise leakages and pilferages. In the South and West corruption is due to personal greed, whereas in the North&East it is by and large institutionalised and monopolised.

Last update : 09-10-2011 22:25

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